Monday, August 16, 2010

A serious breakup question?

how does one get over a breakup with someone one is desperately inlove with? my situ is that i was forced to breakup with my bf by my parents. i love him with all my heart %26amp; it's jus not fair that their tryin to keep us apart! i dedicate my life to our relation. more than how i do to god. he's my whole world, my joy, my sadness.. my everything! he called me and i hung up cuz i was in their presence and he left me a vmessage literally crying about wat is happenin. how can one be so blind and so mean to try and let us give up wat we have??!!! how do i get over him? ps. he's the only one i've let inside my heartA serious breakup question?
Talk to your parents about it...Tell them how you are feeling right now...(you need them now more than ever)

The same thing happened to me...and I swore that I would never get over it...Then I finally started making myself get over it because I was realizing how much of a d-bag he was...He was so inconsiderate and rude...and the reason my parents made us broke up was a plausible and understandable reason. Even though it felt unbearable...I got over it and moved on and I am now in a fabulous relationship of over a year where I am absolutely head over heels in love.

All of this depends on the reason that you guys broke up. If he did something so wrong that your parents don't want you with him to protect you, you have to move on. If it was a to them.

One more thing...You might need to think about making more of your life NOT revolve around him. I know you don't want to hear this but there is more in life than just him. You sound really obsessed with him (more than god???)...You need to reconsider this obsession...because sooner or later it WILL drive him away.

Good luck.A serious breakup question?
You sound like you might be 12 yrs. old. No one should be above God.....geesh, especially a MAN! Too many fish in the sea! Your parents obviously know something you don't....why not take that option and listen to them? You are quite immature and don't even need to be in ANY kind of ';relationship.';
Stand up for yourself your in love so who cares what anyone thinks or says. If your parents don't like it too bad. Most people only find love once SO if you find you better do whatever it takes to keep it.
You don't have to give up. Just be in touch. Your parents try to protect you, keep you from the treble or whatever . Even if they are not right is impossible to change them right now, sad but real.

Take a time sometimes the secret meetings are more excited and can take the stress away. Try to understand people, and don't get angry. It makes your life easier.
talk to your parents and make it clear to them THAT U CANNOT LEAVE HIM AND WILL NOT LEAVE HIM, your love for him should be your strength and not weekness. Bebrave and gather the guts to talk to them. Crying is no solution
tell ur parents how much he means to u. they should be happy if ur happy. ask wat their problem is with him, and maybe ur boyfriend will fix that problem.

ps: it takes a REAL man to cry!
it sounds like your young. Time will get you over it there's probably a reason your parents won't let you date him listen to them. family is most important
Okay, this is like Romeo and Juliet or something. I don't know how to respond. Meet him in a public place and tell him exactly what has happened. (why your parents told you to break up with him, etc.). Girl, maybe things will work out in the future when you are older but right now things aren't going to work out because your parents forbid it! So, unless you want to lie to them and date him behind their backs, there's nothing you can do. You could try to convince them that you love him and he loves you....but you should probably just let it go. They probably have good reasons for telling you to break it off with him.
i'm sorry but if you're that dumb to let your parents force you to break up with the love of your life, i don't even wanna help you move on. maybe you should spend the rest of your life regretting. that'd teach you!
How old are you?? If you're still at home with your parents, well, they can help you decide this kind of thing. Possibly they have a reason they don't want you to date him? If you're away from home, well, this goes without saying.... give the relationship a solid chance, and if you don't have a good feeling; you need to move forward. Truthfully, you sound like you're putting WAY too much into this guy. Find yourself, and the rest will fall into place. You need to know yourself completely before you put so much heart and soul into one guy. Good luck to you, him, and your parents!!
grow up and get over it let the drama go

this aint the only one you will love
sounds to me that he is the one... now basically as i understand it to be..... you wanna give up everything you 2 had because your parents say so?? yes everyone will say that your parents just want the best for you.. but sometimes they dont know wat the best is...sweetie if he is the one for you then you will do anything to be with him..even if it means lieing to your parents!
How old are you?
Well First off you can not let your parents control your life, get some OrangeJUICE on them.... secondly well I do not know how old you are but well do you really liek the guy or is it a USING situation, are you bacteria tied?(did you kiss him?)

There are issues that parents may or may not know : CONTACT.... they never taught me about teh SCIENCE behind each and every kiss....

if you arein love and he loves you well then you should be able to find a way I mean you can write letters and such like that and if each of you stay true to each other maybe you are/were meant to be other wise maybe your parents were concerned that he was just trying to ';avril'; you... you know the PANTS song...

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