Monday, August 16, 2010

Dealing with breaking up with a ';cooler'; person?

How can I avoid feeling like a loser after a breakup with someone who's got more style, more friends, and an all around coolness? I don't really want to be told there's no such thing or that I'm just as good, because neither of those is true. I took a risk by dating someone with more social leverage, and I'm left feeling really bad about myself. How can I deal with this and/or how can I improve myself?Dealing with breaking up with a ';cooler'; person?
I know EXACTLY what you're saying, and to your advantage, I've also analyzed this extensively.

Social power is something that is very overlooked in our society, yet very prominent. The social hierarchy can be brutal, that's for sure.

Firstly, I'd like to say that you CAN improve your social status. There are a multitude of things which make someone ';cool'; or have ';charisma.';

If you're in high school, chances are that you are pretty much already slated into a certain social ';rank.'; This is because after being around the same people all of the time, they are able to get a read on your social status, and your PERCEIVED social status.

No to worry, young grasshopper. Well, you may have SOME reason to worry. Let me explain.

If you want to be socially dominant, aka ';cool';, aka ';charismatic,'; there are a few essentials. You must:

- Appear to like EVERYBODY you meet. Even if you don't like them. People who think that you like them will like you in return. This is how humans operate.

- You must have an inviting smile. This is crucial. If you don't have a warm smile, you will never have charisma. The sad thing is, most of us cannot improve our smiles - It's just how we look! The best you can do is do facial exercises to strengthen your facial muscles. Do a quick google / youtube search on those.

- Your face must be symmetrical. If your face is asymmetrical, people are much less likely to socialize with you, and/or like you. This is just the way it is.

In general, people tend to flock to others who have the same or higher social status / charisma. This is because we believe that if we hang out with highly-regarded, or ';cool'; people, we will also be considered cool. If you feel as though you cannot improve your likability, just chill with people like yourself! There's nothing wrong with this, and you will live very happily.

Now to answer your question briefly, you do not want to have a partner with a higher social status, and/or is much better looking than you. This causes a feeling of inferiority amongst the socially inferior person, and you will be miserable trying to make yourself acceptable to the superior partner.

So, this ends my rant. Good luck in life. Don't strive for mediocrity. Peace. Dealing with breaking up with a ';cooler'; person?
I can't really help answer, i feel bad even when i break up with less cool people than myself. Dating ';out of your league'; has higher risks and you have to be really comfortable with yourself to do it. Otherwise there is fear that they will leave you for someone cooler, better looking. Anyway, just my opinions, you'll get over it no worries!

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