Friday, August 20, 2010

Tips on letting go of someone you love? (breakups)?

to make a long story short, my ex was addicted to cocaine/alcohol it caused him to be hot and cold, and love me one day break up with me the next. for all the love and care i put into that relationship to feel people can be so cold and heartless its unbelieveable! its been a week and ive struggled yet sucseeded in not calling or texting him. How do you let go when you love the person so much but questions their love for you? Is it best to keep no contact, or wait a few weeks and try?Tips on letting go of someone you love? (breakups)?
honestly..its hard to let go of something you care matter give it a while and see what happens..i kno that it will be tough but...if you love him then you will allow him sometime to himself! good luck!~]

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